One more week, one week more

And so here we are, cracking down on finals week, as if I’ve actually been here for three months. To keep the tough times lighter (aka me putting the “study” in “study abroad”) here are a couple things that have happened in Rome that I somehow missed while spending time in the library studying:

    Apparently, the Pope sneaks out at night dressed as a priest to help the homeless. While I’m definitely not homeless, I have 1) seen homeless people on the streets and 2) seen priests on the streets. So why haven’t I seen Pope Francis with the homeless people on the streets? I would rather see Pope Francis on the streets of Rome than any celebrity in the world. Okay, any celebrity in the world besides Miley Cyrus.
    And then there was the time an elephant was loose on the streets of Rome for two hours. And I missed it. In the words of my brother, “You mean you failed to notice an elephant walking around Rome…?” And the answer is yes, I did. I’m so disappointed in myself for this one. Like, selfies with the Mona Lisa were funny, but a selfie with an elephant on the streets of Rome? That would be worth framing.

I’m sure there are more, but those are two perfectly good reasons finals should not exist; I’m missing out on prime experiences.

With only one week left in Rome, I’m really starting to realize the bittersweet reality of going home. I’m going into home stretch mode, allowing myself to eat all the gelato and gnocchi I want in this last week (as if I wasn’t doing that all semester) and finish off my Rome to-do list that has been sitting on the side of my computer screen all semester.

1. Drink every type of coffee available at Tazza d’Oro. This is the greatest coffee place known to mankind. I’ve played it safe with cappuccinos all semester, but this is the week to branch out.

2. Make it back to Old Bridge for gelato. While Old Bridge is just across the river in Trastevere, a twenty minute walk, last time we ventured over for gelato there I tripped (face-planted the ground is more accurate) and completely almost broke my nose and lost all my teeth on the way home. It’s a sore subject. But I need to face my fears and channel my inner grace.

3. Climb St. Peter’s dome. You would think, living so close to the Vatican, that I visit on the daily but that is absolutely not true. After getting over the excitement of living in Rome, you start to avoid touristy places because you’re way too good for tourist traps, and the Vatican is the number two spot for splat-ball and fake sunglasses sales right after the Colosseum. But I’ll make it over there.

4. Give the Jewish Ghetto another shot after being ripped off that one time. Kidding. No. Never returning there.

5. See the Christmas trees lit up at night at the Vatican and at the Colosseum. See point number three to refresh yourself on my opinions of tourist traps. However I love love Christmas and Christmas trees and Christmas decorations so this is a must see. And a must photograph.

After I’m free of finals Tuesday at 4 in the afternoon, the crackdown of the list will begin. I’m pretty confident in my abilities. So back to the studying. Wish me luck on finals. Here’s to three more straight days in the library. Ciao!

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